meet up with my friends last night at the Mall of Asia and before dinner we decided to shop, and this is why i hate shopping at the malls... you see a beautiful dress but the price is beautiful too (read: expensive)

when we entered maldita shop this is the dress that caught my attention, i love the details on its collar and found out that it has pearls as well (hmmmm reason why the dress is expensive? but i cant be real pearls noh!)

waaaaa i cant forced myself to shell out 1900 pesos for this single dress! arghhh no matter how much i loved it i just have to let it go...
the most expensive dress i bought from ukay ukay cost me 225 pesos and i already call it expensive, sigh really once you go ukay ukay shopping you cant go back to the "mall prices"
so if i buy this single dress its already equivalent to more than 8 ukay ukay dresses!!!
so what do you think?
Honestly speaking you look like very pretty with this dress. Just to give an idea about prices: may you please convert those pesos in $USA or €Euro ?
i think that would fit me well. hehehe
@fabrizio - thanks! right now its 46pesos = 1$, so its almost 42$
@reyna - i know!!!
You were right. It's not really cheap... But fits wear and you look like so pretty that I didn't have any doubt if to buy it or not :-)
Naku oks lang gurl, you looks so divine in that white dress. Eye-catching coz' it fits you well.
Happy holidays sis!
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